Candler Park Master Plan – Looking for LC Participation

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Please see the letter below from Eric Dusenbury of Candler Park. CP is looking for Lake Claire participation in working with the CP Master Plan committee.  In the meeting they discussed particularly traffic (Dekalb Ave) as that impacts by LC and CP.  If you are interested in participating, please see below for details. -thanks!
At the May Lake Claire Neighbors meeting Candler Park residents Randy Pimsler and Eric Dusenbury gave a brief presentation of the recently adopted Candler Park master plan.  Due to common borders (Clifton Road) and shared arteries (Dekalb and McLendon Avenues) some recommendations in the master plan would affect Lake Claire.  The master plan also affects Candler Park (the park) and some Lake Claire residents are already involved with the formation of a conservancy which will help implement the aspects of the plan.
Time constraints prevented a complete review and discussion of the master plan but the CPNO Master Plan Coordinating Committee, of which Randy and Eric are members, would like to work with representatives of Lake Claire (and Inman Park) to identify aspects of the plan on which it makes sense for LCN, IPNA, and CPNO (and others) to work together to implement.
The plan may be viewed on the CPNO web site – select Master Plan from the navigation bar at the top of the screen or use the following URL  You may direct questions, thoughts, and concerns to the committee via e-mail  
Please contact Lake Claire president Joe Agee ( if you are interested in joining the group that will work with the Candler Park Master Plan Coordinating Committee.
Eric Dusenbury


Here’s the meeting schedule for the Master Plan Coordinating Committee taken from the CPNO website.   For the full text, see “Master Plan” at the top of the home page

 Three-member panel prioritizes and facilitates implementation of the Candler Park Master Plan. Participation from all neighbors is welcome.
Repeats every month on the first Monday until Mon Jan 05 2015 .

Mon, 04/07/2014 – 7:00pm

Mon, 05/05/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 06/02/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 07/07/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 08/04/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 09/01/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 10/06/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 11/03/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 12/01/2014 – 7:00pm
Mon, 01/05/2015 – 7:00pm
Epworth United Methodist Church