Change in Kindergarten start dates proposed.

FYI Parents:

HB 100 has been proposed and amended to change the date of the age children can enter kindergarten. As of now, you must be 5 before entering kindergarten by September 1. As the bills as of February 9, states the cut off will be August 1 for school year 2015-2016 or by June 30 for school year 2016-2017 and thereafter.
According to a parent who went down to the capitol yesterday wrote, “The House Education Academic Affairs Committee met and heard HB 100, which deals specifically with the cutoff age for children entering kindergarten. Chairman Tom Dickson (D-6), the bill’s author, presented a substitute which changes the implementation date to 2017. Several parents presented at the hearing and pointed out how the date change would impact students who are both currently enrolled in Pre-K and who are enrolling for next year’s cohort. GAE offered testimony and noted that early education access is an important component of student readiness. Additionally, GAE thanked the chairman for his amendment to extend the bill’s implementation date. The bill will now move to a full committee hearing.”
This amendment could greatly affect our kids future in education.

Please be aware of this proposed change if your children are of that age, and if you oppose this proposed change, be aware there is a petition on this matter: please contact Annsley @

[Note: this is informational only. Lake Claire does not have an official position on this matter]