Announcements (including Schools Update & important redistricting dates)

Good Morning, Lake Claire!
Thanks to all who attended the neighborhood meeting last night. We had good discussion and good fellowship. Here are a few timely announcements in case you missed the meeting.

  • Schools update: Mark your calendars for important dates regarding school redistricting!
  • Publix Georgia Marathon runs through our neighborhood 3/18/2012

Schools Update from our new Education Committee

Sherry Neal is our new head of the Education Committee, and she gave an update on where Lake Claire is with the school redistricting process.
All neighbors please put these dates on your calendar.

  • School Redistricting Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday January 25 (pls note the date change!) at 7:00 p.m. at the Charles R. Drew Charter School, 301 East Lake Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30317.
  • Lake Claire will have a special meeting on Saturday 1/28. Watch the website/parents board for more information. Expect we will have a petition to turn around in a short timeframe.
  • SRT 3 community meeting with Demographers. PLEASE plan to attend. Monday Jan 30. Please wear a black shirt. We will have stickers supporting our chosen plan. 6:30 p.m. at Jackson High School.
  • Next Atlanta Board of Education meeting feb 6
Things may happen quickly, so to keep up with any changes to this schedule, or other important info related to schools, please sign up for our email newscast, or the Lake Claire Parents Group, our Facebook Page, or RSS feed (

We discussed the latest developments in the redistricting process, and please review the letter sent yesterday by Sherry below which outlines where we are now.

I will be presenting an update on the schools issue this evening at LCN, but I wanted to make sure that those of you who cannot attend know about the letter issued by Letter from Superintendent Davis today. The letter is accompanied by a list of priorities that he will use to inform his recommendation to the Board when the time comes. I encourage you to read it.

We anticipate that the next round of demographic proposals will be released early next week in advance of the community meetings scheduled for January 30 to February 2. As soon as the proposals are released, I will send an email to this list.
Please mark your calendars for the following events:

Our Board representative, Cecily Harsch-Kinnane, and our City Councilperson, Natalyn Archibong, just announced today that they will hold a School Redistricting Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday January 25 (pls note the date change!) at 7:00 p.m. at the Charles R. Drew Charter School, 301 East Lake Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30317.
Lake Claire is also planning to have a special meeting, like we had in December, to review the options in ADVANCE of our SRT-3 community meeting on January 30. This meeting will be Saturday, January 28. I do not yet know the time, but I will let you know.

Our SRT-3 community meeting with the demographers, as I have recently posted, is Monday, January 30 at 6:30 p.m. at Jackson High School. Please plan to attend. This should be a feedback session and not an information-only session like the one on December 1 at Parkside Elementary.

Finally, the next Atlanta Board of Education meeting will be Monday, February 6. We will want to have a good turn-out at this meeting.

One last thing, Lake Claire Neighbors has formed a schools committee to consider this and other issues. I will be chairing that committee and welcome your feedback. In addition, if you are interested in assisting the committee, please let me know.

Publix Georgia Marathon 3/18/2012

Publix Ga Marathon/Half Marathon will be held Mar 18 and be going through our neighborhood.
Raises $500,000 for charities.
The course map/traffic information and trash plan were distributed at the meeting. For more information, please see
There will also be a Neighborhood cheering zone challenge. Neighborhoods pick a location on course and cheer on the runners, and runners vote on favorite neighborhood. $1500 first place & $1000 second place prizes. If you are interested in participating or organizing the neighborhood cheering zone, please contact us.