April Minutes

Lake Claire Neighbors
Monthly Meeting: Thurs. April 20, 2023
7:15 PM


Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Lilliana: (Patrick)

Dorothy will follow up with APD on why we haven’t had a rep here lately.

LCN / Land Trust Joint Picnic – Miriam Herbers

  • Looking for people to get involved.
  • Contact Miriam if you’re interested and she will also contact Pen (Fundraising)
    mvherbers@yahoo.com Miriam Herbers

Pay your Dues 🙂

LCN officer reports:




  • Sign up for Newsletter



  • Went to Neighborhood Watch Training, offered several times a year. 
  • Atlanta Police Citizens Academy: 3 hrs for 8 weeks, free program, visit 911 center, Ride along with police, etc Atlanta Police Citizen’s Academy  404-546-2531 Ms. Beth Espy

Environment – see below


Announcements and current issues:

Update on District-wide Roadway and Infrastructure Visioning Effort (DRIVE): Melissa Pressman

  • Lilliana has $2m extra dollars to do a project and is asking for input from the neighborhoods. 

Update on Safer McLendon: Melissa Pressman

Miriam Herbers: Gauging interest on a joint picnic with the Land Trust.  mvherbers@yahoo.com Miriam Herbers

V-23-036:  Special Exception to allow a 6-foot high opaque wooden wall “privacy fence” within the half-depth front yard for existing single family dwelling.   For more information, see the below link:

  • 545 Hardendoft
  • 16 votes approved unanimously.

Other issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.

  • 7 story complex proposed for little 5 points, tearing down Cameli’s and stretching to Hattie B’s.  Lake Claire has no say in this , but if you’re interested check on Next Door for more information.

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The next regular LCN meeting will be May 18, 2023