APS Superintendent’s Recommendation released

Superintendent Davis has posted his preliminary redistricting proposal at the following link:

While overall it is a positive solution for our community, we need to keep in mind that (a) it is preliminary – the final recommendation will come out in April and (b) this recommendation is sure to be met with some heavy opposition, so it is critical that we as a community stay engaged in this process to ensure our voice continues to be heard.

So, on that note…below is the latest calendar of APS meetings.

School Board Meeting – Formal Submission of the Superintendent’s Redistricting Proposal
When: Monday, March 5 at 2 pm
Where: APS – The Center for Learning and Leadership Auditorium, 130 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
Details: Superintendent Davis will formally present his recommended redistricting proposal at this ABOE work session. The public can attend, but there will not be an opportunity for public comment.

School Board Community Meeting
When: Monday, March 5 at 6 pm
Where: APS – The Center for Learning and Leadership Auditorium, 130 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
Details: This will be an important meeting for all in the Lin community to attend. Superintendent Davis will have formally presented his recommended option at the earlier Board work session at 2:00 p.m., and the community will be allowed to make statements. Please arrive no later than 5 pm (or earlier) if you want to sign up to speak and for seating (space is limited).

Lin LSC (Local School Council) Meeting
When: Tuesday, March 6 at 8:10 am
Where: Lin – Hall House
Details: Regular LSC session, will be discussing the Superintendent’s recommendations. The Lin community is welcome to attend

APS Strategic Planning Meetings
When: Monday March 12 and Wednesday March 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: APS – The Center for Learning and Leadership Auditorium, 130 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
Details: During these meetings we believe ABOE will discuss items such as alternative school configurations (e.g. K- 8, 5/6 academy, etc.). These will be open meetings, but there will not be an opportunity for public comment. They have not been officially noticed yet, so there may be a change in date/time.

Redistricting Community Meeting for SRT-3 (schools zoned to Grady and Jackson)
When: Wednesday, March 21 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: Maynard Jackson High School, 801 Glenwood Avenue Southeast, Atlanta, GA 30316
Details: During this meeting, Superintendent Davis will present the district’s proposed redistricting plan that was developed based in part on community input obtained from the first two rounds of demographic capacity study community meetings held late last year and early this year. Community input will be solicited.