August Lake Claire Neighbors Minutes

August 19,2021

Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Lt Webb from APS:

Remember to not leave weapons in vehicles, be sure to use a gun lock if you need to leave in vehicle. Contact him if you need anything.

Valencia Hudson for Natalyn Archibong

Natalyn has gotten $10,000 for Lake Claire park safety improvements. 

Dekalb Ave project: Currently in signature process

Sept ribbon cutting, project start Oct.

McLendon round about : site visit – will add ADA accessibility.  Will have start date next week. 

Picking up yard waste – Please let Valencia know if your street has not been picked up.

LCN officer reports:

Pen (Fundraising)

Added shopping cart on website for new Fine Art America merchandise.

Nancy (Communications)

Nothing new.  Sign up for Newsletter

Eileen (Treasurer Rpt)

Beth (Zoning)

Carol (NPU)

Melissa (Environment)

Miriam (Safety) –

Have stopped publishing car break-ins in the Clarion. If anyone would like that to continue to be reported, please let Miriam know.

Ben King – Does safety research and would be glad to to provide stats.

Annsley (Schools) – Attending meeting tonight on Inman future.  She’ll have an update for us later.

Announcements and current issues:

Candler Park/Lake Claire Patrol:   Sharon Pomeranz, Board Member, CPLC


Clifton Ministries: Robert Davis – Report on man urinating on Clifton Property. Was not a resident.  Was told to inform police if see again.  Was a suggestion to put a portapotty out but they will not be doing that as it could be an attractive nuisance.  From the chat: “You should not call the police for someone going to the bathroom outside; if you’re concerned about someone you can call 311 instead which is Policing Alternatives” PAD 311 operates M-F 7a-7p

Hired a new chef.  Helping some of the residents with small acting roles. On a soft lockdown right now due to covid, but near the end of that.  Sign up for Amazon Smile to easily donate, or of course donate directly.

Volunteer opportunities.

Results of the Aug. 16 hearing with the DeKalb County Historic Preservation Commission about the Certificate of Appropriateness for the DeKalb portion of the Frazer forest

Carol: Fencing at the Frazer Forest.  Had 50 people at special LCN meeting, but the Druid Hills meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum. 

City of Atlanta side – Only a permit is required.  Asking for help from Natalyn’s office to help us with this.

Status of City of Atlanta Proposed Zoning Changes

3 ordinances proposed related to multifamily residential units.

LC committee supports the stated goals.

Committee is concerned about several issues.

What is the definition of affordable? Are there sufficient incentives? Will the missing middle still be missing?  Environmental impact? Historic preservation?

Other issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.
Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.
                                 The next regular LCN meeting will be Sept. 16, 2021

Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at