There will be lane closures for filming August 24 until August 28: · Edgewood Avenue NE between Boulevard and Randolph Street · Howell Street NE between Auburn Avenue and Decatur Street
There will be lane closures for filming August 24 until August 28: · Edgewood Avenue NE between Boulevard and Randolph Street · Howell Street NE between Auburn Avenue and Decatur Street
If you live near the Frazer Center and are interested in their plans for rezoning, this is your opportunity to hear what changes they are proposing to make and provide any community response. This is the official notice, and if you live near the center you should also receive something in your […]
AGENDA: LCN MEETING: THURSDAY, AUG. 16: 7:00 Rose Room , Frazer Center Reminder to all members: LCN By-laws are on website, Resources, Documents, 2006 & 2008 amendment. Guests: Ms. Valencia Hudson, rep Councilmember Natalyn Archibong Officer rep. Zone 6, APD Other guests Administration of Oath of Offiice: Dan White, VP […]
Neighborhood Parents – School is starting, here are the dates you’ll need to know! TUESDAY, JULY 31ST: Class lists are posted – 3:00 pm at Mary Lin. (Exception – kindergarten class lists will be posted on Friday, August 3rd.) FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD: Back to School Social – 9:00 am – […]
Have you been looking for a fun way to get involved in the neighborhood? Look no further, because we need volunteers to organize the Lake Claire Halloween Parade. This is a fun event, that is always well attended in the neighborhood. Everyone dresses up, and marches to Lake Claire Park! […]
Want to dress up as a superhero, and get some exercise? From Action Ministries, the Action Dash: The Action Dash is a family-friendly 5K Run/Walk and Fun Run created by Action Ministries. Action Ministries is a not-for-profit that provides hunger, housing and education solutions to help our neighbors in need […]
Good Afternoon, Lake Claire! Agenda for March Lake Claire Neighbors Meeting: Thursday,6/21 7:00 social time, meet & greet, 7:15 meeting Room at Frazer Center – Rose Room (signs will be posted) Agenda for November Lake Claire Neighbors Meeting 7:00: Social 7:15 Call to Order President’s Report Guests: Valencia Hudson, rep. Coun. Natalyn Archibong Officer: APD […]
MEET NEW FAMILIES AND RE-CONNECT WITH RETURNING MARY LIN FAMILIES! Friday, August 3rd at 9 a.m. (before open house) at the ML playground and/or on Saturday, August 4th at 10 a.m. at Candler Park playground. It’s not a drop-off playdate, but a great time for ML families to meet and […]
LCN Thursday 6/21/2012 Officers present: Allyson McCarthy – Fundraising, Kathie Ryan – Safety, Nancy Dorsner – Communications, Peg Ziegler – President, Carol Holliday – Planning Attendees: 18 residents, 2 guests Valencia Hudson: APD: Beat 608 – 1 auto theft, 5 break-ins. Sergeant Ryan Stephens Please email him with […]
Our local market is sponsoring a raffle, and proceeds go to support LC and CP! For the past two years we have raffled off an original custom made New Belgium bicycle at the Market. We sell tickets for $2, and we split the proceeds equally between LPN and CPNO. We […]
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