UPDATE – City of Atlanta – Proposed Changes to the Residential Zoning Code

Z-21-73 an ordinance by councilmember Amir R. Farokhi to rezone certain properties within one half mile walking distance of high-capacity transit stations from various low-density residential zoning codes to multifamily residential multi use (MR-MU); to promote a variety of housing options and increase affordability near transit; and for other purposes. […]


Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. July 15, 2021 7:15 PM via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87049038349?pwd=Y1JpQnJDdmI0NklTcmJkY0o3MlNGZz09 Zoom Invitation from a land-line or cell phone 1 929 205-6099 or 1 301 715-8592 Enter ID: 870 4903 8349 When prompted to Enter Participant ID: Just enter #, there is no participant […]

1715 & 1723 South Ponce de Leon Avenue

The owners of the two properties at 1715 and 1723 South Ponce de Leon Avenue are seeking to develop these two properties into a family compound. The properties are located in the Druid Hills Landmark District. 1715 S. Ponce includes an historic house and a garage, both of which are […]

2066 McLendon Ave Variance Request

The owners of 2066 McLendon Avenue are seeking a variance from the zoning regulations to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 24′-4″, and to reduce the side yard setback from 7 feet to 2′-6″ for an addition to an existing single-family dwelling. This request will be heard […]