Be aware: Coyotes spotted

One of our neighbors at the Land Trust reports coyotes in the neighborhood:

On my way home tonight I cut through the Frazer Center, and saw very clearly two coyotes slowly crossing the drive, right before the little parking lot on the right side. This is concerning because I have a large noisy truck and the coyotes felt no urgency to move. They weren’t afraid at all. It’s about to be spring and we have a new crop of puppies coming up, so everyone secure your small outside pets and garbage. They eat cats and will attack small children who may think they are friendly dogs, so please tell your friends and neighbors. 

Here’s an article from the AJC about the issues and risks.

For more information, Fernbank Science Center will be addressing the urban coyote problem:

Fernbank Science Center Presents: A Forum
Facts & Fiction – COYOTES: How can humans and coyotes coexist?

Urban coyote problems in Atlanta will be addressed with a focus on facts about coyotes and information on community concerns. Featured speakers will be coyote researcher Dr. Chris Mowry, Chairman, Biology Department at Berry College, and Dr. Larry Wilson, ecologist at Fernbank Science Center.

Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Time: 7:00 P.M. – 8 P.M.
Where: Fernbank Science Center
156 Heaton Park Drive   (across from Fernbank Elementary School)
Jim Cherry Planetarium