Clarion volunteers needed! Help the Clarion–and thus, the neighborhood!!

From Beth, Clarion Editor:

Your neighborhood needs YOU. I am looking for someone to coordinate our advertising while our current advertising coordinator, Talia, is on maternity leave, November through about February. We are looking for someone to begin right away. Each month, the advertising list is finalized on the 15th of the month for the next issue, and September 15 is around the corner. The job entails keeping an existing database updated, coordinating ad artwork, and checking with the treasurer to make sure checks and PayPal payments have come in.

In addition to the advertising coordinator, I am looking for one or more folks who has time to make some phone calls to try to increase our Clarion advertising base. Our current volunteers have no more extra time, but we are hoping there might be folks in the neighborhood, who have been looking for a way to volunteer, and this could be an opportunity for you and us….and this could be a few phone calls or a continuing responsibility. For more details, see the last issue (if you don’t have it anymore, the online version at or write to Please think about it! WE NEED YOU!