Advertise in the Clarion

Advertise in the Clarion

Advertising in the Clarion is an effective, affordable way to reach more than 1,400 households in Lake Claire. Interested businesses and individuals may advertise in two ways: through classified ads and display ads.

Classified business and personal ads are $3 per line. Personal ads are free to Lake Claire residents, space allowing.

Display ads vary in price by size and length of run.  Below is our general guideline, but you should work with our advertising manager, Pat, at, to plan your exact details.

Display AdAd Width1 Month3 Months6 Months1 yr
x Height(prepaid)(prepaid)(prepaid)(prepaid)
Eighth Page 2.88″ x 4.875″$75$200$350$650
Quarter Page6″ x 4.875″$120$300$550$1,000
Half Page6″ x 9.9″$150$390$700$1,250
Full Page12.25″ x 9.9″$325$900$1,450$2,600

To advertise in the Clarion, follow these steps:

1. Decide what type of ad you would like to run (classified or display), the size of the display ad (see table above), and the number of issues in which you would like it to run (discounted for three or more months). View previously placed ads in past issues of the Clarion.

2. Email your ad order, including ad copy, to

  • Attach the image file. Formats accepted are JPG, TIFF, BMP, and PDF. Image(s) must be a minimum 250 dpi (300 dpi preferred). (We do not accept ads in Word or MS Publisher.) Note: Ads run in black & white by default in our printed editions (Under certain circumstances, your ad may run in color.)  Your ad will be in color on the online version.  If you are concerned about how your color ad may look in black & white, please submit a black & white version of your ad.
  • If using a graphic artist, please include his or her contact information.

3. Once we receive your email, we will reply to finalize your order and review your payment options. You may pay online using a credit card or checking account.

The advertising deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication. If you have questions, please email

Clarion Submissions

Submit an Article, a Photo, or Art to the Clarion

Pay Your Clarion Ad Bill Online

If you’ve received an invoice from Lake Claire Neighbors for an advertisement you have run, you may pay online via PayPal with a credit card or from a checking account.