Coyote Meeting 1/29 – Multiple speakers and Q&A

Druid Hills is sponsoring a discussion about the coyotes in our area.  Coyotes living  intown have provoked a great deal of concern in the last few years, and this meeting is a great way to get informed on the issues and possible solutions.

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Coyote Meeting – Tuesday, January 29, 2013 – Church of the Epiphany – Atlanta

The Druid Hills Civic Association is sponsoring a meeting on January 29, at 7:30 p.m., for a discussion on coyotes living within intown communities in Atlanta.

The meeting will begin with three speakers:

Chip Elliott, a coyote trapper who has been working throughout the metro Atlanta area for over 20 years. He was recently hired by private citizens to trap coyotes in two locations in Druid Hills. (That trapping is now complete.)

Chris Mowry, an associate professor and head of the biology department at Berry College. A former resident of Druid Hills, he has studied coyotes in the southeast and Yellowstone National Park, and he’s currently talking with local and state officials about a proposal to study coyotes in Atlanta.

Mary A. Paglieri, a consultant with Little Blue Society in the San Francisco area. The Society specializes in human-animal conflict resolution, and Mary is the Director of Program Design and Implementation.

The speakers will be followed by a generous Q&A period.

The Church of the Epiphany is located at the corner of East Lake Rd. and Ponce de Leon Ave. (2089 Ponce de Leon Ave; Atlanta, GA 30307). The entrance drive to the church is on East Lake Rd. The meeting will be held in the parish hall.

For more information: Bob Ballou (