Feb LCN Meeting Minutes

LCN Meeting February
Feb. 19, 2015

Members: 18
Officers present: Joe Agee, President; Andrew Sherwood, Treasurer; Carol Holliday, NPU; Kathie Ryan, Safety; Nancy Dorsner, Communications; Dan White, Zoning; Christiane French, Environment


APD, Lt Floyd; APD Zone 6
Crime report: Little crime in CP/LC (608) this month.
Clean car campaign ongoing.
If you have visitors, remind them to leave belongings in trunk.
Lock your doors and windows in your home to avoid crimes of opportunity.
Keep your property lit.

Christiane, Environment:
New trees in Lake Claire from Trees Atlanta. Contact Environment@lakeclaire.com.
Ivy cut in the Frazer Forest 9-12 Saturday.
Ongoing movement to connect the parks. freedombridgeatl on Facebook.
Working on an artful bridge over Moreland at Freedom Park.

Andrew, Treasurer:
Our accounts
Savings: $2155
Checking: $5223
Greenspace: $3000
Mural: $4286
Paid up members: 49

insert treasurer report here.
New banners are in.  Cost up by $5.  Order this month to get the old price ($35/ or $50 with your dues)
March 1, $40/$60.

Carol, NPU:
No NPU business.

Kathie, Safety:
5 items last 6 weeks.  Only 5 items – 1 theft from auto (electronics).
Most car breakins seem to happen in the Clifton McLendon area.
3 burglaries – in each case doors were left unlocked.  One case key in door.
Our crime stats in LC are much lower than surrounding areas.
Don’t forget, you can download the directed patrol form from APD from the website if you are going out of town.

Nancy, Communications:
No news. Please sign in, and sign up for the newsletter.

Sara, Fundraising:
Send Sara any ideas for Centennial.
We still have bumper stickers and banners.

Clifton Ministries Shelter:
May need to get property rezoned, in order to continue mission.
Looking for support of neighborhood.

Education (Joe for Annsley):
APS Fiscal Budget underfunded.
Inman Middle School Expansion put on hold
Possible Annexation of Druid Hills by Atlanta is impacting this.
APS chosen to be a charter system.
Ga House bill 100 moved from House to Senate (change in Kindergarten age)
Failing schools: State allowed to rescue failing schools.

Land Trust:
Please come see the new Japanese Garden.
Work day 3/21 to prepare for Spring Fest.

Dan, Zoning:

Variance 15 01
1998 Tuxedo Ave