Important Schools action needed: Extension of Superintendent Davis’ Contract

Message from School Chair, Beth:

This Monday, December 10, the school board will vote on whether to extend Superintendent Davis’ contract, which expires in June. We need your help ensuring the vote passes. We’re asking you to do two things by tomorrow (Friday): 1) Send an email to school board reps and 2) Sign an online petition.

Davis has helped restore credibility to a system facing substantial issues. He is a strong, logical and fair leader who isn’t afraid to make tough decisions. Davis has addressed critical issues including a difficult redistricting battle, and he has a strategic plan to take our schools to the next level.

An extension of Davis’ contract will provide much-needed stability until a new school board takes office in January 2014, and ideally this new board will lead the search for our next superintendent.

The school board needs to hear from us regarding this vote. This is critical since a last-minute procedural change now requires this vote to pass with a 7-2 super-majority vs. the standard 5-4 majority. We ask that you take these two actions by tomorrow, Friday, Dec 7.

(1) Sign this petition in support of extending Erroll Davis’s contract.

(2) Send a brief email to school board reps sharing your support for Davis and asking them to vote yes to extend his contract. Below are email addresses and suggested talking points.

Board email addresses,,,,,,,,

Key points
– Superintendent Davis is a strong and fair leader who has been able to make balanced decisions in the best interest of the children APS serves.
– He has been effective in addressing many of the issues facing APS, and has developed a viable strategic plan to improve our school system.
-Extending his contract will provide the continuity and stability needed for APS to continue on its path of positive change and to execute on its plan.
-I ask that you vote for the extension of Superintendent Davis’ contract on December 10th.

Cecily Harsh-Kinnane is our board representative – you can leave her a message at the general APS # (404-802-2200) expressing your support for extending Davis. You can also request a return call.

Thank you for your time and support in this important community matter!