January Meeting Minutes

Lake Claire Neighbors
Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Jan. 17, 2019
7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room
1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307
Meet and greet your neighbors starting at 7:00 PM.
Pizza (compliments of Savage Pizza) and soft drinks will be served 15 minutes before the meeting. The Lake Claire Neighbors Association is very grateful to this local business for its generous support.
Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Sgt Jones Zone 6
New email zone6cid@atlantaga.gov
Send any tips, footage, etc
Got crime reduction award last yr in zone 6
New form for any officer complaints . Will link.

CPLC patrol.
Goals more members , more board members.

Monday is freedom pRk and LAke Claire park work day

Vandalism in LCN park NY eve. Our new camera identified the culprits.

This Sunday night at 1140 is super blood wolf moon.

Pen: merchandise is available on website
If you are interested in having a centennial party this year, we need volunteers.

You can now buy merchandise or pay dues on the website
Sign up for our newsletter at lakeClaire.org

LCN officer reports
Announcements and current issues:
Projects for 2019
Updated procedures regarding zoning and variances requests: Carol Holliday
Variance : 3-18-384: 581 Clifton Road. Applicant requests a variance for a proposed story addition to sit 4ft. 2 inches off the 7ft. side setback consistent with the existing wall below.
Other issues – those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.
Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.
The next regular meeting will Feb. 21, 2019
15 yes 0 no, approved!
Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at https://lakeclaire.org/resources/newscast-sign-up/