July Minutes

 Minutes-Lake Claire Neighbors

           Monthly Meeting: Thurs. July 16, 2020

                                    7:15 PM via Zoom

The meeting began at 7:20 with 11 members participating and1 guest


Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Valencia Hudson, Natalyn Archibong’s Representative to the LCN, said that shredded paper needs to be put into paper bags in the recycle bin and to

call 311 if your yard waste has not been picked up.  She then mentioned that Covid-19 was making its rounds among the sanitation department but to call anyway.   Regarding the list of things that can be filed to APD online, she emphasized that they do not include car theft (Miriam Herbers will repeat her article in the Clarion about the matter).  She added that zone six is short staffed because of officers having Covid or are in quarantine but that they do welcome letters, calls and gestures of appreciation.

LCN officers attending:  

Miriam Herbers, VP for Safety, Beth Grashof, VP for Zoning, Carol Holiday, VP for NPU and Planning, Joe Agee, President

Miriam reported that crime is still down in the neighborhood.

Carol:    An NPU item for its July meeting concerns a proposal to change the offset for garages from 10 feet to 6 feet and that she will not oppose it.


Announcements and current issues:

The variance: V-20-067 for 506 Harold Avenue passed unanimously by a vote of 11.

                Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The next regular LCN meeting will be Thurs., Aug. 20, 2020


Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at https://lakeclaire.org/resources/newscast-sign-up/

The meeting ended at 7:55 pm.

Submitted by Joe Agee