June LCN

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2.      https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86451158401?pwd=TTVTT0V2WTdzak5Nd1N5U21RZHpCUT09

3.      Zoom Invitation from a land-line or cell phone

a.        1 929 205-6099 or 1 301 715-8592

b.      Enter ID: 864 5115 8401

c.       When prompted to Enter Participant ID: Just enter #, there is no participant ID

d.      Enter Meeting Password: 349431

4.      One Tap Mobile

a.       +19292056099,,86451158401#,,,,*349431# US (New York)

b.      +13017158592,,86451158401#,,,,*349431# US (Washington DC)

5.      If you have trouble getting in, please contact Carol Holliday at 404 316-1189

Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

 Kevin from Natalyn’s office

August of this year to begin repaving / removing reversible lanes, etc on Dekalb Ave.

LCN officer reports:

Beth: Nothing

Nancy: Working on logo and neighborhood art. Contact Comm@lakeclaire.org to get involved.

Carol: Conversancy Plans in process

Freedom Park Con Master Plan

7 signature projects

Park divided into 6 zones.

67 subprojects $160m budget

Please go online and review

Passive park

Carol: Comp Dev Plan

Turned in our priorities for Plan to NPU last month

Carol reviews the plan.

NPU has not reviewed the suggested changes.

Announcements and current issues:

Review the proposed Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) – Carol Holliday.

Other issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.

                           Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

                                 The next regular LCN meeting will be July 15, 2021

Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at https://lakeclaire.org/resources/newscast-sign-up/