June Meeting Minutes

Minutes for Lake Claire Neighbors

Monthly Meeting: Thurs. June 21, 2018

7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room

1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307

Pizza (Compliments of Savage Pizza) was served 15 minutes before the meeting.

Meeting began at 7:15 pm 20 LCN members were present. No visitors.


Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Valencia Hudson, representative for Council Member Natalyn Archibong, asked if there were any concerns in the neighborhood. The repaving of Muriel Avenue was brought up with a question about whether the same company that did the first job did the new one. She stated that the original company had to do the new work at its expense but that initial poor work would be taken into consideration for contract renewals.

Sgt. Gruin, of the APD 6th Precinct, reported on the generally low crime in Lake Claire. However, if residents have particular concerns they should contact Precinct 6 Commander, Major Klotzer. He suggested using his email instead of calling: apdwebmaster@atlantaga.gov

LCN officer’s reports: Officers present: Robin Singer, Zoning, Melissa Pressman, Environment, Ann Mauney, Safety, Joe Agee, President, Education Chair, Annsley Klehr. Joe gave the only report that was from Treasurer Eileen O’Neill who calculated the current LCN reserves at $12,779.

Announcements and current issues:

Sarah Wynn announced a resolution for the LCN to formally support the Save the Trees Initiative at the Horizon School property that has been put up for sale. Some 280 Trees are currently on the property and a potential buyer has proposed a development plan that would cut down the vast majority of trees. A vote will be taken at the next LCN regular meeting scheduled for Thurs., July 19.

Proposed resolution:

“We oppose the currently posted site plans for the Horizons School property at 1900 DeKalb Avenue because they would result in tremendous tree loss and dramatically impact the immediate environment.

We support any efforts to convert this property into community greenspace in recognition of its historical and ecological significance.

If development proceeds, we endorse Greg Ramsey’s alternate plan that utilizes the existing roads and structure footprints while also protecting the environment and preserving the highest value native forest stands and old growth specimen trees.”

There was a great deal of discussion about the best procedure for working with the City in order to prevent the loss of as many trees as possible. Sarah pointed out the importance of the Atlanta Tree Commission that is made up of arborists, landscape architects, developers, builders and community advocates with experience in land use and preservation. Former State Representative, Stephanie Stuckey, who is now a Lake Claire resident, commented that it’s important to contact the City Council and in particular our Council Member Natalyn Archibong. She also mentioned the use of media opportunities whenever possible plus spreading the word among other neighbors.

Other comments concerned the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) for the City its approval of variance and zoning requests in spite of neighborhood and NPU opposition. Melissa Pressman, VP for the Environment, noted that LCN representatives attend the NPU and BZA meetings when there is a negative vote regarding a variance or zoning application with the goal of finding compromises. One suggestion concerned the creation of a historic district designation that defines and regulates certain standards for an individual neighborhood.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10

Submitted by Joe Agee