Lake Claire Neighborhood Meeting this Thursday (agenda)

lakeclairefallLake Claire Neighbors
Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Nov. 17, 2016
7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room
1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307
Meet and greet your neighbors starting at 7:00 PM.

Pizza (compliments of Savage Pizza) and soft drinks will be served 15 minutes before the meeting. The Lake Claire Neighbors Association is very grateful to this local business for its generous support.
Welcome – please sign in and wear a name tag

Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

LCN officer reports

Announcements and current issues

2016 dues reminder – $20 per household

“SLOW DOWN” street signs available at the meeting. Signs are provided by PEDS, and Abbadabba’s,

Greg Ramsey, Director – Village Habitat Design, will present a development plan for the Pullman Yard Preserve, a 26.8 acre historic site on the south side of DeKalb Ave. between Connecticut and Arizona avenues.

Election of officers for the Lake Claire Neighbors Executive Committee. Nominees are: Jim Rockaway, Treasurer; Nancy Dorsner, Communications; Carol Holliday, Planning and NPU rep.; Melissa Pressman, Environment; Sara Rockaway, Fundraising; Robin Singer, Zoning; Pen Sherwood, Safety; and Joe Agee, President. No further nominations can be made at this meeting.

V-16-203, 452 Ridgewood Rd: Applicant seeks a variance from the zoning regulations to reduce the north side yard setback from 7 feet to 4 feet 6 inches to allow for an addition.
N.B. the issue involving lot dimensions has been resolved so the Referral Certificate is no longer pending.

Motion to approve modification to the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) to amend the Future Land use for properties located at 1960 Dekalb Avenue and 266 Oxford from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Low Density Commercial (LDC).

N.B. This is a follow-up procedural step to our approval in October to 266 Oxford, Z-16-056.Since zoning is maintained in the CDP, we are required to update the CDP after approving a zoning request.

Other issues – those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership
Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The regular LNC meeting will be replaced by the Annual Christmas Potluck Dinner on Thurs., Dec. 15, 2016 at the Frazer Center