Lake Claire Neighbors Meeting: Thursday!

Lake Claire Neighborhood Meeting: Thursday, October 18, 2012 Rose Room, Frazer Center


LOCATION: Meetings are now held in Rose Room at the Frazer Center (not Atrium as previously); room accessible from

sidewalk, off circular drive, at McLendon Ave.side of the building. Please note: the Ponce de Leon entrance remains

open all hours for cars, while the McLendon Avenue FRAZER CENTER GATES WILL BE CLOSED AT 6:30 P. M. There is

access to walk and to walk bicycle, at end of stone wall on each side of driveway. Terrain is uneven so a light is advised.

7:00: Social, with pizza & coke. 7:15 meeting starts promptly

Meeting Agenda


Guests: Valencia Hudson, rep. City Councilwoman Natalyn Archibong
Rep. Zone 6, Atlanta City Police, with Kathie Ryan, VP for public safety

Announcements: LCN Tote Bags for sale (Thanks: Pen Sherwood, artist for logo, and Meeting signs)

Halloween Parade & Park: 300 + participants!

LCN Holiday Dinner: ch., Kathy Ryan

Annual officer reports: (two minutes each)

President: Peg Ziegler

Treasurer: Cara Stevens (handout)

VP NPU: Carol Holiday

Zoning: Dan White

Safety: Kathie Ryan

Communications: Nancy Dorsner

Environment: interim, James Ezeilo

Fun(d)raising: Mary Williams: movie night; Beth Krebs: Halloween Parade & Park

Election of 2012-13 officers

Procedure: For each office, nominee is presented, floor open for nominations, vote.


President: Joe Agee

Treasurer: Andrew Sherwood

VP NPU; Carol Holliday * (* denotes present officer, nominated for re-election)

Zoning: Dan White *

Public safety: Kathie Ryan *

Communications: Nancy Dorsner *

Environment: (Pro-tem) James Ezeilo *

Fun(d)raising: Kathy Evans

Introduction of executive committee appointees

Editor, Clarion: Beth Damon *

Website Mgr.: Will Burke *

Neighborhood Schools Committee chair: Beth Krebs

Welcome Committee chair: Sara Rockaway *

LCN Spirit Committee chair: Beth Burke

Oath of Office: Kathryn Arrington, Parliamentarian


Park Pride Day 2012: Dennis McCarthy

“Atlanta Streets Alive:” Matt Garbett (subject to rescheduling)

PATH: Hiram Maxim, Rebecca Serna: LCN sharrows and bike lanes, McLendon (subject to rescheduling)

Adjournment: Thank you for joining us!