Lake Claire Security Report – 12/7/14 to 1/10/15

Other Larceny
1700 block McLendon Ave. 12/29/14 Taken: jewelry box and contents
Victim had a cleaning crew at his home when the items were believed to have been taken.

Theft from Auto
1800 block New York Ave. 12/13/14 vehicle unlocked
Taken: clothing and games

The property manager at the Edgewood Retail District would like all patrons to program the following number into their phones in the event of a threatening situation or to report anything amiss: 678-618-2308. This is ERD’s 24 hour security number.

Contact APD by dialing 911 from your home or cell phone for any/every incidence of crime or suspicious behavior. Program 404-658-6666 into your cell phone for a prompter response. Tell the operator you’re in APD’s Zone 6, Beat 608 if your location does not automatically come up on the operator’s screen. It’s also a good idea to give a call back number. For up to date security reports join or (Lake Claire).

As has been our tradition of late, Lake Claire Neighbors acknowledged the hard work and sacrifice of our APD and AFD personnel with the following small holiday gifts:
Our seven APD Zone 6, Beat 608, officers and sergeants each received a $15 Candler Park Market gift card.
Each of the three watches at AFD’s Firehouse #12 received $100 gift cards for Savage Pizza. Each watch employs 9-10 personnel.