Lake Claire Security Report – 8/31 to 9/27/2014

Auto Theft

1900 block Tuxedo Ave 9/12/14 from driveway
2004 silver Lexus Doors left unlocked; vehicle had been entered the previous week with nothing taken; unreported


400 block Sutherland Pl 9/3/14 Taken: multiple pieces of jewelry, 2 televisions
Damage: back door kicked in Note: Witness advised a b/m teenager came to her door asking if Isaiah was home. She saw 2 more young men sitting in a grey Dodge Durango parked in front of her house. Prints taken

Other Larceny

2100 block Palifox Dr 9/23/14 trailer stolen from street in front of residence
Witness stated that she saw a U-Haul truck blocking her neighbor’s driveway and then pulling the trailer away.

Theft from Auto

400 block Claire Ave 9/12/14 two vehicles in driveway
Taken: camera, sunglasses No forced entry although doors were believed to be locked.

The property manager at the Edgewood Retail District would like all patrons to program the following number into their phones in the event of a threatening situation or to report anything amiss: 678-618-230. This is ERD’s 24 hour security number.

Due to the very unusual occurrence and number of burglaries/robberies in Lake Claire in mid-June, APD’s Lt Floyd and Sgt. Barth attended the LCN June monthly meeting to discuss this troubling crime spree. APD recommends the following to insure your home is safe:

1. Use outdoor lighting – front and/or back porch lights, motion-sensing flood lighting near entrances.
2. Install a wired, monitored home alarm system.
3. Prune back tall shrubbery near entrances.
4. Install motion-sensing cameras at doorways, on driveways, etc.
5. Make sure all doors and windows of your home are LOCKED when sleeping or away.
6. Have NOTHING visible in parked cars, and generally cars parked in driveways are safer.

Contact APD by dialing 911 from your home or cell phone for any/every incidence of crime or suspicious behavior. Although we were told otherwise, it is still better to dial 404-658-6666 when using a cell phone. Tell the operator you’re in APD’s Zone 6, Beat 608 if your location does not automatically come up on the operator’s screen. It’s also a good idea to give a call back number. For up to date security reports join