LCCLT – Love Your Block Grant – Beautification Project

The LCN has generously given the Land Trust $1,000 for the Love Your Block Grant it received from the City of Atlanta to beautify our neighborhood!!! We will be using the money to beautify a section of our amphitheatre. Phase 1 will create new stone bench seating, retaining walls and picnic tables. Phase 2 will be landscaping.

One of the Grant requirements is neighborhood support. So come out and show your support and help us with Phase 2!!!! We need volunteers to help plant, weed, and spruce up the area we are beautifying. All ages welcome!

DATE : 10/20/13 (Sunday)

TIME : 12:00 – 4:00

PLACE : 280 Arizona Ave – Land Trust amphitheatre

Contact me at or 404-449-4313 for more information!