LCN Agenda and Monthly Mailing



Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police



LCN officer reports:


Nancy Dorsner, Communications

Beth Grashof, Zoning

Pen Sherwood, Fundraising

Carol Holliday, Planning and NPU

Deanne Uroic, Safety

Melissa Pressman, Environment

Treasurer, Jay Severa

Announcements and current issues:

Other issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The next regular LCN meeting will be Feb. 20, 2025


Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at

Join Trees Atlanta/Forest Restoration for workdays in Lake Claire Park. The park has a donor who has funded 12 Forest Restoration led work days. Thank you, Donor!

Come help remove invasives with neighbors and volunteers. The first work days are MLK Day on Monday, January 20, 9-12, and Saturday January 25, 9-12, Lake Claire Park. After January, the work days will be the 4th Saturday of every month (2/22, 3/22,4/26, 5/26, etc.).

Sign up here:

Events | Trees Atlanta for Jan. 20 and here: Events | Trees Atlanta for Jan. 25.

Or simply join us in the park.

Upcoming events at the Lake Claire Land Trust!

Come support your local high school!

Midtown High School PTSO’s annual fundraiser will be on Friday, January 24th at New Realm Brewery starting at 6:00pm. It will be a fun-filled evening with music, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a silent and live auction, plus a showcase of Midtown High School student talent!

Tickets are $95 per person and will increase to $115 at the door, so get yours today!…/1516147/Default.aspx

Can’t attend, but still want to help make a difference – check out our [Fund-A-Need]options!…/1520330/Default.aspx

Questions? Email us at []

Thank you for supporting the PTSO and we’ll see you in a few weeks!

Pay your LCN Dues online!  Just $20/year to support your neighborhood!