LCN Meeting Minutes, May


Minutes for Lake Claire Neighbors
Monthly Meeting: Thurs. May 18, 2017
7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room
1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307

Pizza (Compliments of Savage Pizza) was served 15 minutes before the meeting.

Meeting began at 7:15 pm


Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Lt. Gruin has just joined the Zone 6 precinct. He now coordinates the Candler Park/Lake Claire Security Patrol. Commenting on the surveillance cameras in the City, he cited an incident when these cameras allowed the police to directly track down a crime. Pen Sherwood, VP for Safety, asked about the current lack of police reports. He responded that Zone 6 is reorganizing the system and reports should be coming soon.

Valencia Hudson also gave information on the security cameras throughout the city, including Lake Claire Park. She noted there are some that are set up to only track license plate numbers so that police can get immediate information on the whereabouts of a car of interest.

LCN officer reports
Pen reminded neighbors not to leave anything visible in their cars that will attract break-ins.
Carol Holiday, NPU Rep, asked for a vote on the renewal of the NPU Bylaws. She noted that there have been no changes since last year.
Melissa Pressman, VP for the Environment, gave a report from Judy Hammack of Friends of Lake Claire Park. The projected date for the park to be opened is June 1 although it’s not firm. There has also been some vandalism in the park, which may delay the opening.
Annsley Klehr, Education Chair, gave an update on the Atlanta School Board elections in Nov. Candidates will be invited to speak at the LCN meetings. She also noted that Matt Westmoreland, Dist. 3,current representative for the Lake Claire area will not be running again.

Joe gave the treasure’s report for Jim Rockaway, VP for Finance. Currently, the LCN has $10,495 of available funds. He noted that the LCN supports its local institutions with yearly donations to include Mary Lin, the Clifton Ministries, the Frazer Center, the Lake Claire Land Trust and Christmas gifts to the local police and Fire Depts. Currently 70 people have paid dues.

Announcements and current issues

2017 dues reminder – $20 per household

Joe recognized Cynthia Baer for her continuing support of the neighborhood and the LCN.

Needed: Someone to organize the Lake Claire Neighbor’s Annual Christmas
Potluck for Dec. Date not yet fixed. Kathie Ryan, who has done it for several years, will be happy to advise.

Sara Rockaway, VP for Funding will head up the Lake Claire Arts and Crafts sale scheduled for Sat., Dec. 2 in the Atrium of the Frazer Center.

Local Historic District initiative for Candler Park and part of Lake Claire
Molly McLamb and Emily Tiff presented on a Local Historic District initiative for a Candler Park and Lake Claire. They gave examples of the variety of historic districts that are possible. An important part of any proposal is the neighborhood’s determination of what it wants to include such as style, size, etc.

3rd Annual Lake Claire Centennial Celebration and BBQ:
Sara and Jim Rockaway will coordinate the event to be held in the Cato Wooford Gardens at the Frazer Center on Sun., June 11 from 2:00 to 5:00 featuring Dave Gelin doing the BBQ and Ms. Lady Bug entertaining the children.

Vote on renewal of NPU Bylaws: Motion passed unanimously with 17 votes.

V-17-092-1986, 1986 Palifox Dr., NE. Applicant seeks a variance from zoning regulations to reduce the required front yard setback from 35 ft. to 29ft. and 9 inches. To construct a 2nd story addition to an existing single family dwelling. The variance request passed unanimously with 17 votes in favor.

Beth Grashof invited neighbors to the Olmsted Linear Park Alliance’s 20th Annual Celebration Garden Party, Saturday, June 17, 2017 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Lilian Bakhtiari, who is running for the City Council District 5 seat, spoke about her candidacy.

Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at

Submitted by Joe Agee