LCN Meeting This Thursday!

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Lake Claire Neighbors

Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Nov. 18, 2021

7:15 PM via Zoom



Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)


LCN officer reports


Announcements and current issues:


The Lake Claire Holiday Arts Fest/Walking Tour ’21 is scheduled for Dec. 4!  Rain date:  Dec. 5.


Vote for LCN officers:


As announced in the Clarion and at our last meeting, no nominations from the floor can be made after the LCN Oct. meeting.


Official slate of LCN officers for 2021:  Eileen O’Neill, Treasurer; Beth Grashof, Zoning: Nancy Dorsner, Communications; Pen Sherwood, Fundraising; Miriam Herbers, Safety; Melissa Pressman, Environment; Carol Holiday, NPU; Joe Agee, President


Continuing appointed positions:   Annsley Klehr, LCN Education Chair,; Ben Klehr; LCN Representative, Candler Park Conservancy; Robert Bryan Davis, LCN Representative, Clifton Sanctuary Ministries; Jennifer Silver, LCN Representative to the City of Atlanta Department of Films; Allison Troxell, LCN Representative, Freedom Park Conservancy


Proposed LCN donations for 2020 to be voted on at this meeting:

The Frazer Center:                                      $1,000

Mary Lin Elementary School Partner         $1,000*

Candler Park Conservancy (includes

$500 for renovation for public bathrooms) $   800

The Clifton Sanctuary Ministries:               $   500

Lake Claire Community Land Trust:          $   500

Candler Park/Lake Claire Security Patrol:  $   500

Zone 6 Police Precinct:                               $   400

Atlanta Firefighters Sta. 12 (on DeKalb):   $   400

The Friends of Lake Claire Park:                $   300

The Freedom Park Conservancy:                $   300

Ponce de Leon Public Library:                 $   300

Olmstead Linear Park Alliance:                  $   300

Grand total of                                            $6,300


*Retroactive from Oct. 2021


Variances and zoning:


V-21-281:  2069 Howard Circle, NE.   Applicant seeks a variance from the zoning regulation to 1). reduce the required west side yard from 7 feet to 3.5 feet to 2). reduce the required rear yard setback from 15 feet to 8 feet, to 3). exceed the maximum lot coverage from 50 % to 50.9 %, and to 4). increase the maximum total floor area of an accessory structure from 30% of the main structure to 40.2% of the main structure to construct a new detached garage.

Zoning Variance Request – 2069 Howard Circle


Other issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The next regular LCN meeting will be Thurs., Jan. 20, 2022


Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at