LCN: September 2013 Meeting Notes

LCN Meeting: September
Officers Present: Joe Agee-President; Carol Holliday-Planning; James Ezeilo-Environment; Nancy Dorsner-Communications; Kathie Ryan -Safety

October 5: Harold Ave Street Dance

Valencia: Not present

Lt Floyd
Evening Watch Commander
Front porch thefts
Clean car campaign (make sure nothing is visible in your car.)
Esp as we go into the holiday season.

Kathie: Safety
911 – from a cell phone use a different number since we are Atlanta in Dekalb. Put this in your phone now: 404 658 6666
Please call for any occurrence, question, or crime.
Tell them you live Zone 6 beat 608
If you are ever dealing with the police and not happy, ask to speak to supervisor.

Carol: NPU
No variances
We are supposed to register any – not just monitored – alarm systems.
Starting Feb 1, may be increased penalties for false alarms if you have not registered.
1st Warning,
2nd $50
And up.
855 725-7102
This needs to be brought to Natalyn’s attention, it has not been communicated to the neighborhood.
Began July 22.
$150 fine on top of regular fines if you are NOT registered.

Zoning – no issues

James: Environment
Block grant involving participants from the Frazer Center.

Nancy: Communications
Nothing new

Savings $3684
Checking $2073
Greenspace $3000
Mural $4292
Clifton Ministries Annual Dinner Sunday 10/13
At North Ave Pres.
Please go if you can.
Live Music from people who have been through the programs.
$40 per person

Jason Esteven
Seat 9 APS

Land Trust Update
Love your block grant from the mayors office going to beufiy
Around the amphitheater
Installing granite penches, plantings retaining walls.pincic tables.
Volunteer days coming up, stay tuned.
Judy Hammock – Lake Claire green space
Getting rid of invasives (Sat Oct 5)