LCN Thursday! Lots of City Issues on the agenda

Lake Claire Neighbors

Monthly Meeting: Thursday, February 20, 2025

7:15 PM

In Person: Frazer Center, Rose Room, 1815 S Ponce de Leon Ave NE

By Zoom:

1.       Weblink:

2.       From a Landline or a Cell Phone

a.       Enter ID: 828 9144 5923

b.       When prompted to enter participant ID: Just Enter #

c.       Enter Meeting Passcode: 994127

3.       One Tap Mobile:

a.       +19292056099,,82891445923#,,,,*994127# US (New York)

b.       +13017158592,,82891445923#,,,,*994127# US (Washington DC)

4.       Contact Carol Holliday at 404 316-1189 if you have difficulty accessing the meeting.



Guest Speakers (Atlanta Police and Representatives of City Council and State Legislature)

LCN Officer Reports:

·         Nancy Dorsner, Communications

·         Beth Grashof, Zoning

·         Pen Sherwood, Fundraising

·         Carol Holliday, Planning and NPU

·         Deanne Uroic, Safety

·         Melissa Pressman, Environment

·         Treasurer, Jay Severa

Announcements and Current Issues:

LCN Vote on Significant proposed changes or new legislation for:

  • Short-Term Rental Ordinance
  • Party House Ordinance
  • Tree Protection Ordinance (TPO)
  • Administrative Setback Variance related to TPO

The proposed ordinances and Links to 2-hour Livestream Webinars:

We anticipate the Short-Term Rental and Party House Ordinances to be voted on in the February NPU-N meeting on February 27.

At this point, we anticipate the Tree Protection Ordinance and related Administrative Setback Variance to be discussed in the February 27 NPU-N meeting and voted on in the March 27 NPU-N meeting.

Other Issues – Those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership.

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

The next regular meeting will be March 20, 2025.

Stay informed! To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at