Mary Lin Elementary School Construction Update 10/27/13

From Sarah Cook, Mary Lin Local School Council (LSC), Communications Committee Chair

Mary Lin Elementary School Construction Update 10/27/13

Mary Lin Elementary: Under ConstructionThrough advocacy by Kate Sandhaus, LSC member, and State Senator Jason Carter, also a Mary Lin parent, and with the help of George Dusenbury, Atlanta Parks Commissioner, the Land Disturbance Permit was issued October 24! APS plans to have it in hand on October 28. A revised timeline for construction has been established and is below.

Here are some questions you may have:

Will the contractor meet phasing deadlines, especially for construction of the 2-story classroom section?
Our contractor, Hogan, has said they could meet phasing deadlines if the Oct. 24 permit arrives (AND IT DID!), and they can have the 2-story classroom section complete by July 28, 2014. Construction will occur between approximately 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Saturdays and later hours will be considered, if necessary, as the City allows.

When will site work begin?
Now that the permit has been granted, site work (fencing & drainage/sewage) will begin shortly.

What will be the impact of construction on traffic?
It will be 2-3 weeks of work before traffic will be affected. 1st stage will require shutdown of hard turn on Candler Park Drive to do storm drain work. This work will occur over 2 weekends and will not affect school/work days.

The lower school driveway (by the playground) and the entrance off of Oakdale will be construction areas and will be closed.

No complete shutdowns of Candler Park Drive are expected. The carpool lane will remain, but parking will be limited because teachers will park on the street.

Construction workers will use a shuttle from an off-site parking area to get to the construction site. They are not permitted to park on-street.

Workers know to work around morning drop-off & afternoon pickup as much as possible

How will I get my child(ren) to school?
Because on-street parking will be heavily limited, we encourage parents to walk their children, use the bus, use the carpool/drop-off, or park at Candler Park and walk kids up to school. Parents should not expect to be able to park on surrounding streets and walk their children into school.

What about the trees?
Tree removal will begin with Phase 1 but only trees necessary to that phase. Trees will be replaced either onsite or in Candler Park, and the total diameter of tree trunks removed will be replanted.

What will happen to Mary Lin historical items?
Bricks, fountain, walkway, dedicated trees, etc., will be preserved as best as possible. Hogan is aware that these items need to be saved and reused. Ideas for repurpose are forthcoming.

Where will recess be?
We do not yet have a timeline for moving playground equipment, but it is being addressed. Some, but not all equipment will be moved to a small area near Ms. Brooks’s portable. The habitat will also be available for recess.

How will the Mary Lin Community learn about the project’s progress?
APS has promised weekly reports and pictures on website once work begins.

Principal Brian Mitchell will provide updates on his blog, and the MLE LSC will provide updates through a variety of communication channels.

Who can answer questions I may have?
If you have any questions/suggestions/concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the LSC/Building Committee or Principal Brian Mitchell or to speak with any of the following grade level Parent Network contacts:

5th: Stacey Appelson, Christen McClain, Teresa Tinney, or Meghan Parham

4th: Bryan Davis, Boyd Baker, or Christen McClain

3rd: Sarah Cook, Annie D’Agostino, Bryan Buck, Susan Ledbetter, Teresa Tinney, or Anne Steib

2nd: Julie Noble or Christen McClain

1st: Kate Sandhaus, Cynthia Baer, or Annie D’Agostino

K: Jane Smith or Julie Noble

Atlanta Public Schools Facilities Services Department
Construction Management Team
Mary Lin Elementary School – Project Timeline
October 25, 2013
· · Building Department Review – Complete
· · Site Development Review – Complete
· · Health Department Review – Complete
· · Planning and Zoning Review – Complete
· · Fire Marshall Review – Underway
· · Building Permit Obtained – Need Fire Marshall approval
· · Obtain LDP from City of Atlanta – October 28, 2013
· · Kick Off Meeting with Site Development – Week of October 28, 2013
· · Write Contracts for Site Contractor – Week of October 28, 2013
· · Mobilization – November 4, 2013
· · Site Layout – Start the week of November 4, 2013
· · Install Erosion Control & Tree Save – Start the week of November 4, 2013
· · Construction Fence – Start the week of November 4, 2013
· · Site Demolition – Start the week of November 11, 2013