Minutes from Last Month’s LCN Meeting

Lake Claire Meeting 7/17/2014

Present: 15 members 3 guests
Joe: Lake Claire tour of homes coming up.
Officers present:
Kathy- Safety, Joe- President, Nancy-Communication, Sara-Fundraising
Valencia (representing Natalyn Archibong our City Council rep)
-Had a recent spate of car break-ins.
-Attack at Edgewood (only 1, not 3) .  Edgewood is taking steps to improve security.
Questions for Valencia:
Request for crosswalk at Shadyside park (S. Ponce).
Have there been leads on the suspects from the home invasions/burgury last month.  Not known.
Paving on Almeda. Needs cleaning.
Need pothole repair on Marlbrook desparately.  Send notification to narchibong@atlantaga.gov for pothole issues.
Let Valencia know if you have any street lights out, or street lights are needed.
Graffiti issues: called and there was a 30 day wait for the Graffiti task force.  V will send contact information for the APD Graffiti officer.  Call / email Valencia if  you have graffiti issues, and take a photo.
Sheriff Mann:
Won the vote with 40%, but not enough to avoid a runoff.  Would appreciate the neighborhood’s support.
Remember to vote on July 22.
Officer Reports:
Kathie Ryan: Safety Officer
-Security Report 5/24 to 6/21
(information is always a month old.)
Join the Lake Claire neighborhood watch yahoo group. We will also put info out on Next Door Lake Claire.
Remember APD will drive past your house if you’re going to be out of town. Fill out the directly patrol form available on the website or from Kathie (safety@lakeclaire.org).
To be safer: Leave on outdoor lights, use motion sensing flood lights, install wired, monitored home alarms.  Trim back shrubbery around entrances.  Motion sensing cameras.  Lock all doors or windows, when home or away.  Call 911 on suspicious behavior. Have nothing visible in your car, and generally better to park in driveway vs the street.   Go back to using the direct APD number to dial 911 from your cell so it goes to the right place.  Go ahead and put 404 658-6666 in your cell phone – You are in Zone 6 beat 608.
Nancy Dorsner: Communications Officer
Welcome Committee members needed.
Still looking for who has moderator rights to the LC Neighborhood Watch mailing list.
Joe Agee, reporting for NPU, Treasurer, Zoning, Environment.
Treasurer’s Report:
Remember to pay your dues.
Thanks to Candler Park Market $278 donation from the Bike Raffle
No major issues for NPU / Zoning
Environment will be covered in the Lake Claire Park discussions
Sara Rockaway: Fundraising (Fun!) Officer
Lake Claire Tour of Home and Gardens
Oct 4 Sat 10-4
Will be a website with details.
Need Volunteers to man the houses.  Free ticket if you volunteer.
Also still need some houses for the tour.  Can also volunteer your garden.
Deficiency Plan for Lake Claire Park:
Tom Cullen ( Administrative Analyst from Parks and Recreation) Parks and Recreation:
Deficiency Plan for Lake Claire Park – Addressing issues with the park and remediating.  Tried to involve the neighbors as much as possible.  Talked about problems and proposed remedies.
Karyl Clayton, Project Manager:
Project started due to complaints about Tennis Courts.  Have hired landscape architect to come on board and do our plans.  This is not a visioning or master plan,  it is just to address deficiences.
Tennis Courts – size down to 1 tennis court
Redo the Playground. Want to do something like Springdale park with some vertical playground equipment.  Sail type shelters, benches.
Fitness Stations.  Exercise equipment for adults and kids.  Track around the park with the stations.
Address ADA accessibility, fix drainage issues, refurbish.
No budget yet, plan to do a phased approach.
Will get some money from City (ADA compliance, etc), some from grants, some from fundraising.
NPU meeting will be Aug. 28 for a vote on the Lake Claire Park plan.   The presentation given at the July 17 LCN meeting will be repeated at the July 24 NPU meeting.
Judy Hammack (Friends of Lake Claire Park) got us a grant from Park Pride – Free King of Pops in the park August 24 between 2 and 4! Stay tuned for more information.