New Lake Claire Banner: Looking for the Perfect Fit

Lake Claire Neighbors extends a heartfelt thank you to the artists who have already sent submissions for the Lake Claire banner. The Executive Committee appreciates the time and energy expended to meet the banner deadline as previously announced. However, based on the fact that there is no clear winner from the entries initially submitted, and that a groundswell of interest in the banner remains, the competition remains open.

Based on the response from many neighbors, LCN ‘s Executive Committee feels the process needs to be more clearly defined. Therefore, with apologies to all, but with continued excitement about the banner project, these guidelines are offered, and artists are invited and encouraged to submit new designs and resubmit earlier designs within the following guidelines.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Maximum of two submissions per artist (re submissions certainly accepted).

2. Ideas suggested but not required to include: Lake Claire est. circa 1915 on the design; sunflower (as shown in our current branding); images from the Watershed Mural (e.g., the frog as shown in our current branding); Lake Claire Skier (reflecting Lake Claire tag line “Ski Lake Claire”); images to reflect the diversity of the neighborhood — faces and/or houses.

3. To help voters judge, each submission should include a statement as to why the artist chose this image to represent Lake Claire.

4. Final artwork will be used for the hanging banner, which measures 18”x36”.

The winning artist retains the copyright to his or her artwork, but licenses the artwork for any use by Lake Claire Neighbors Inc. All artists retain copyright to their entries, but allow their work to be used on other items such as tote bags, T-shirts, post cards and bumper stickers. Once a winner is chosen by the membership, LCN Inc. will provide technical specifications for any digital artwork.

Prize: The winning artist will receive free 6 months of a business-card-size ad in the Clarion and the gratitude of all your neighbors for your generous gift.

The deadline for submissions is November 1. The Executive Committee will review the submissions and present the selected finalists for a vote by the membership on the winning entry, which will take place at the December holiday meal.

Many thanks to all who have and will participate in creating our new logo and banner. Any questions as well as entries can be submitted to