Notice of Adult Program Dance at Frazer Center this Friday

To:                   Our Lake Claire Neighbors on Ridgewood and Marlbrook 

From:                          The Frazer Center
Re:                   Adult Program Dance on Friday, October 19, 2012
Notice Date:  October 16, 2012

Twice a year, participants in our adult program enjoy a dance social with each other.  It’s great fun!  They spend a lot of time decorating for the event and most of the day getting ready to come to the event.

Since the dance takes place in the evening, we will have a change in our drop-off and pick-up schedule for the adults on Friday, October 19, 2012.  Adult participants will be arriving via MARTA Mobility around 5:00 pm and will be picked up to return home beginning at 9:30 pm.  The Frazer Center back gate will remain open until 11:00 pm that evening only and will then remain closed until 7:00 am Monday morning.

Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and support of this exciting event for our Frazer Center adult participants.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sherri Breunig 404-377-3836 ext. 139 or

Sherri Breunig

Community Relations Coordinator

Frazer Center 

1815 S. Ponce de Leon Ave. N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30307

office: 404.377.3836 ext. 139

fax: 404.373.0058
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