November Meeting Minutes

Lake Claire Neighbors

Monthly Meeting:  Nov. 19, 2015

7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room

1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307


Special announcement       As usual, the LCN Annual Christmas Potluck Dinner will replace the regular meeting of the LCN for December held in the Atrium of the Frazer Center on Thurs. the 17th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  


Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

Valencia  Hudson (public safety liason) from Natalyn’s office

– Leaky Water Meters question.  Send street numbers to Valencia.

– Dekalb ave question. Are they planning to pave?  Looking at major overhaul of Dekalb. Getting rid of suicide lane, and getting rid of backups at Arizona and others.


Lt Floyd APD Zone 6: Report on crime. Also Captain Gourley, new Zone 6 Captain.

Experiencing very good trend with 608, down 33% in crime.  Excellent especially during holiday season.  Still problems with vehicle breakins.  Keep your car clean!  Remember to notify your visitors to keep their car clean, secure valuables in trunk.  Be aware of surroundings when out and about.  Smartphones are targeted.  Call 911 if you see suspicious, even those who appear to be construction or workers can be criminals scoping homes instead.  Not a problem to call 911 for construction blocking driveways.

Annual Toy Drive (donations or new toys at preciecnt through Dec 14.  Or call Lt Floyd @ 404 673 9423 To arrange pickup. )

Capt Scott Gourley, new Capt for Zone 6, introduced himself.

Be cautious about warming your cars.  Be careful about presents in window at Christmas.  Always call 911 if something doesn’t look right.  Please.

Email address:

Residential burglaries : make sure your property is well lit, alarms help.

LCN officer reports

Kathie (Safety): CPLC Security Patrol is now active.  Past 6 weeks only 5 events, which is definitely down from prior periods.

We have signs for security patrol.  We are well over our projected enrollment, and have expanded patrol hours.

Nancy (Communication)

Carol (NPU): Carol explained the NPU process and which of our variances tonight would be in Nov or Dec NPU.

Environment (Christiane)

-Thanks for volunteers at Harold Ave Greenspace

-Freedom Park Bridge meeting held recently.

Tresurer’s Report:

Buy bags, caps, bumper stickers, t-shirts!  And pay dues!

Education (Joe for Annsley):

If you are interested in participating in Education Committee (  Currently working on mission statement.

SPLOST funding vote to continue 1 cent tax to continue, to fund school expansions in Grady Cluster.

Announcements and current issues

·        2015 dues reminder – $20 per household

·        Election for the LCN Executive Committee Officers.   Candidates are:  Jim Rockaway, Treasurer; Carol Holiday, NPU Representative and Planning; Robin Singer, Zoning; Nancy Dorsner, Communications; Sara Rockaway, Fundraising; Kathie Ryan, Safety; Christiane French, Environment; and Joe Agee, President

Approved unanimously.

·        Update on Candler Park/Lake Claire Security Patrol.  PAID MEMBER SIGNS AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP AT MEETING.   Sam Collier, CPLC Patrol Board Member.

·        Variance V-15-258:  535 Hardendorf Avenue NE.  Applicant seeks variance from zoning regulation to reduce the front yard setback from 35 ft. to 19 ft. -6 ins. to construct a porch on a single family dwelling.

approved contingent on the site plan dated nov 10 2015

13-0 approved

·        Variance V-15-366:  1669 McLendon Ave NE.  Applicant seeks variance from zoning regulation to reduce front yard setback from 35 ft. to 28 ft. – 9 ins., reduce the required East side yard setback from 7 ft. to 3 ft. – 3 ins. to construct a second story addition to a single family dwelling.

Approved 14-0 contingent on site plan as presented in the meeting, and Carol will get the exact date.

Other issues – those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.

Our next meeting is Dec. 17, 2015

N.B.: the venue will at the LCN’s Annual Christmas Potluck Dinner in the Atrium of the Frazer Center from 6:30 to 8:30