October Lake Claire Neighbors Meeting Agenda

Lake Claire Neighbors
Monthly Meeting: Oct 17, 2013
7:15 PM at the Frazer Center, Rose Room
1815 Ponce de Leon Ave NE • Atlanta, GA 30307

Meet and greet your neighbors starting at 7:00 PM.
Pizza (compliments of Savage Pizza) and wine will be served 15 minutes before the meeting. The Lake Claire Neighbors Association is very grateful
to this local business for its generous support.

Welcome – please sign in and wear a name tag

Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)

LCN officer reports

Committee reports

Announcements and current issues
• 2013dues reminder – $20 per household

• Update on greenspace grant funds from Councilmember Natalyn Archibong and the City’s Love Your Block Program

• Announcement of candidates for LCN officers in 2014 for the annual election held at the regular meeting, November 21

• Variance Application for 495 Harold Ave: Applicant seeks variance from zoning regulations to reduce south side yard setback from required 7ft to 5 ft, reduce north side yard setback from required 7 ft to 4ft 8 inches and reduce front yard setback from required 35ft to 33ft 11inches for a second story addition

Other issues – those with concerns or information they wish to bring to the membership

Lake Claire Neighbors meets the third Thursday of each month.
Our next meeting is November 21 – same time, same place.
LCCLT – Love Your Block Grant – Beautification Project
The LCN has generously given the Land Trust $1,000 for the Love Your Block Grant it received from the City of Atlanta to beautify our neighborhood!!! We will be using the money to beautify a section of our amphitheatre. Phase 1 will create new stone bench seating, retaining walls and picnic tables. Phase 2 will be landscaping.One of the Grant requirements is neighborhood support. So come out and show your support and help us with Phase 2!!!! We need volunteers to help plant, weed, and spruce up the area we are beautifying. All ages welcome!
DATE : 10/20/13 (Sunday)
TIME : 12:00 – 4:00
PLACE : 280 Arizona Ave – Land Trust amphitheatre
Contact brynan1865@yahoo.com or 404-449-4313 for more information!

Join in on the Neighborhood Yard Sale coming 10/19
Do you have some old junk to clean out? Well, now is your chance to participate in a Lake Claire neighborhood Yard Sale! If you’d like to join in as a seller, and get your house on the list, just contact Joanna (Joanna.Lieberman@turner.com) ASAP and find out what you need to do. If you just want to shop, mark your calendars for 10/19! We’ll put a list out of the participating houses on the website (lakeclaire.org), or watch for signs.

The Lake Claire Halloween Parade is just 2 weeks away! 10/26
Please join the Lake Claire Parents Association for a Halloween Parade. The Parade is at 5:00pm on Saturday, October 26th, at the corner of Marlbrook Dr. and Ridgewood Rd. The Parade goes to Lake Claire Park, where treats will be for sale. Bring your Gobblins, Ghouls, Ghost, and Google inspired costumed kids (and adults) for an enjoyable evening with your friends and neighbors. Please forward to any new neighbors or people who might not be on the parents board, so they can join in the fun. For more info, or to volunteer, go here: https://www.lakeclaire.org/wpsite/2013/10/the-lake-claire-halloween-parade-is-just-2-weeks-away-1026/

Stay informed!
To receive occasional e-mails about happenings in, around and concerning Lake Claire, as well as reminders of up-coming meetings, please sign up at https://www.lakeclaire.org/wpsite/resources/newscast-sign-up/. The LCN newscast is an announcement-only system, subscribers cannot post messages.