On getting items on this website

Hi all, I’ve just received several messages wanting to know how to get items of interest to the neighborhood on the website, and what lead time is required.

If you have an item that needs to be announced on the website, please send an email to comm@lakeclaire.org and include any relevant links or attachments.  There is no official lead time required, but it’s best to allow a few days just in case we’re not around to see the email.

We’re working on an official communications policy right now, but to give you an idea of what type of items we post:

The purpose of our blog is to keep the neighborhood informed of local news and happenings, in a timely manner.  Feel free to submit items to the blog that are of community interest, such as local events, meetings and announcements.  (Don’t forget you can also submit items to be published in the Clarion, our monthly newsletter, as well, by contacting editor@lakeclaire.org.)