Freedom Park Conservancy listening session

Please join the Freedom Park Conservancy for a listening session on September 17th at 12:00 PM or 7:00 PM. Scan the QR Code for additional information to engage now including a community survey, interactive mapping tools and more. We value your time and ideas and greatly appreciate your input. #freedomisyourpark

July Minutes

 Minutes-Lake Claire Neighbors            Monthly Meeting: Thurs. July 16, 2020                                     7:15 PM via Zoom The meeting began at 7:20 with 11 members participating and1 guest   Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) Valencia Hudson, Natalyn Archibong’s Representative to the LCN, said that shredded paper needs […]

Thursday’s Meeting Agenda

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. July 16, 2020 7:15 PM via Zoom (dial-in sent via Mailing List email – contact comm (at) if you need the dial-in) Welcome Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) LCN officer reports Announcements and current issues: Variance: V-20-067, 506 […]

Variance: 506 Harold Ave

The Lake Claire Neighbors (LCN) will meet via Zoom for its July, 2020 meeting. The meeting will be held on its regularly scheduled date, July 16th, at 7:15 pm. A link for this meeting will be sent closer to the meeting date. On the agenda will be Variance V-20-067, 506 […]

Thursday’s LCN Meeting Agenda

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. June 18, 2020 7:15 PM via Zoom Please plan to attend via Zoom.  If you are not on our mailing list and need dial in information, please contact comm (at) Welcome Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) LCN officer […]