April Minutes

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. April 20, 2023 7:15 PM Welcome Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) Lilliana: (Patrick) D5 Dispatch – You can subscribe to L’s newsletter https://mailchi.mp/district5atl/d5-dispatch-april-2023?e=d24aa66757 Please reach out on any city issues. lbakhtiari@atlantaga.gov; phusbands@atlantaga.gov Dorothy will follow up with APD on […]

Lake Claire Meeting Thursday 4/20!

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. April 20, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom 1. Join the Lake Claire Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83663278432?pwd=L3NIbjBueFY5WHhia2dKQjBweEpLUT09 2. Zoom from a landline or cell phone: a. 1 309 205-3325 or 1 312 626-6799 b. Enter ID: 836 6327 8432 c. When prompted to Enter Participant ID: […]


The following Special Exception request will be heard and voted on at the April 20, 2023  LCN meeting:  Applicant seeks a special exception to allow a 6-ft high opaque wooden wall “privacy fence” within the half-depth front yard for an existing single-family dwelling. The request application may be viewed at […]

March Minutes

Welcome Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) Yasamin Khorashahi, District 5 Staff, ykhorashahi@atlanta.gov—from City council: Town Hall on Dekalb last week. Updated timeline and presentation: Dekalb Ave project updates: https://atldot.atlantaga.gov/projects/dekalb-ave-safety-improvements Clifton and McLendon storm drain clogged. LCN officer reports: Melissa:  McLendon: Concerns about Dekalb/ Safer McLendon […]

Feb Minutes

Minutes-Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Feb 16, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom The meeting began at 7:15 with 31 members and 1 guest attending Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)     Patrick Hudson,Representative for Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari LCN officers attending and reports: Carol […]

Upcoming Events at the Land Trust

Check out what’s happening with our neighbors at the Land Trust!  For more info visit https://www.lcclt.org/new-events 3/18 – Community Work Day, 1-4pm 3/19 – Kids Sensory Yoga, 11am-12pm 3/25 – Spring Sound Bath, 11am-12:30pm 3/26 – Literary and Cornbread-Chili Society, 3-5pm 3/26 – Kids Creative Class, 4-6pm 3/28 – Walking […]

Lake Claire Neighbors – Meeting agenda for Thursday

View the mailing here: https://mailchi.mp/bda33d4785f0/lcn-monthly-meeting-8119481 Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Mar 16, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom Join the Lake Claire Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83264460705?pwd=Z09zeTlDTWNCbVFsRVljYXhhblMyUT09 Zoom from a landline or cell phone: 1 312 626-6799 or  1 646 931-3860 Enter ID: 832 6446 0705 When Prompted to Enter Participant ID: Just […]