Be Aware! Crime in/near the Neighborhood

Report #1: Two Attempted Kidnappings of Women in Reynoldstown/Edgewood: Right now, police are looking for a black man in his 20s, 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall, with a skinny build and shoulder-length dreadlocks. Police said he was driving a small, dark sedan with front-end […]

Event: Lake Claire Bike Class (Adults/Teens) 5/19

Free Cycling Class (act now, only 20 spots!) CONFIDENT CITY CYCLING CLASS: FREE : Lake Claire Neighborhood Welcomes All Intown Cyclists The Atlanta Cycling Coalition is celebrating National Bike Month of May by offering FREE classes for intown cyclists. The first class is scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 10am-3pm at […]

LCN Meeting Minutes 4-19

Lake Claire Neighbors – Meeting Minutes: 4/19/2012 Peg Ziegler, the President of LCN, called the meeting to order.  There were 14 neighbors and 3 guests in attendance: APD Sgt. Hudson, and two guests presenting building variances . Officers in attendance: Peg Ziegler (President), Nancy Dorsner (VP Communications), Mary Williams (VP Fundraising), Dan White (VP […]

The 10th Annual Kirkwood Spring Fling & Tour of Homes

Mark your calendars: Party with our neighborhood to the south! Saturday, May 19th, 2012 From the Kirkwood Spring Fling site Want the diversity of a big Festival with the warmth and ease of a neighborhood party? Then join us for the 10th Annual Kirkwood Spring Fling and Tour of […]

Kindergarten Roundup and more schools stuff

Message from Sherry of the Schools Committee! Hello everyone:  If you have a child who will be a kindergartener during the 2012-2013 school year, I want to make sure you have some important information. First, the annual Mary Lin Kindergarten Roundup is Tuesday, MAY 1ST at 9:30 a.m. in the […]

Be Aware: Armed Robbery in Candler Park area From the news report: Residents are on alert after a violent armed robbery in Candler Park on Monday. Police say a man was hit in the head with a gun after he and his girlfriend were mugged on the street. It’s the latest in a series of recent crimes […]

Earth Day on Ponce – April 22

April 22 2:30-5pm Druid Hills Presbyterian Church Front Lawn (1026 Ponce, across from the Majestic Diner) Bring your whole family to celebrate Earth Day on Ponce. Local percussionist group DrumRise will lead an all-ages drum circle; all instruments are provided (and no experience is expected). Kids–and parents–will also love the […]

April 14: Peace & Love Fest at the Land Trust

From the Land Trust, an invitation! It’s Spring – Time for Peace, Love & Music at the Land Trust! Sound the trumpets – Spring has sprung! And we all know that means flowers, greenery, and fun at the Land Trust with all your neighbors and friends. Join us on Saturday, April […]