Priscilla Dixey (of Hardendorf) Memorial Gathering

Please join us for a Memorial Gathering in remembrance of
Priscilla Dixey
Saturday, January 25th, 12:30 to 4:30
Clarkston Community Center
Angora Ballroom
3701 College Ave., Clarkston Ga 30021 404.508.1050

Please join us as we celebrate the life of Priscilla Dixey, a resident on Hardendorf Ave. since 1988.
Pot Luck Lunch-bring a dish to share-water, coffee, juice, sodas will be available.
Sharing- Bring a small token of remembrance such as a photo for the “memory board.”
Singing- join in song with the DIVAs.
Music and Dancing with the Chattahoochee Country Dancers and friends.

Please make sure that everyone who knew Priscilla is aware of this gathering. Please forward this announcement to anyone who would like to remember Priscilla.

Call Steve Hayden 404-405-1860 or Margie Cooper 404-502-0013