Pullman Yard historic buildings up for sale

Hi all, we’ve received this information about the sale of the Pullman Yards – it’s right across the tracks from us over in Kirkwood.  On Tuesday January 10th 11-1pm is the next open day and a group to preserve the buildings are planning a rally for preservation outside the property.  See below for more information:

Greetings everyone,
I’m involved with a group of people that are trying to preserve the Pullman Yard historic buildings located just over the tracks in Kirkwood. The state of Georgia is selling the property to the highest bidder on April 4th. The property is open for inspection on several dates before then. On Tuesday January 10th 11-1pm is the next open day. We are planning a rally for preservation outside the property.
Please try to inform the Lake Claire neighborhood that the property is up for sale. The state has removed protections from the historic buildings. So there is no guarantee that the buyer will not attempt to demolish the buildings. Some of the buildings are 100 years old and are unique testaments to Atlanta’s railroading and African American community.
Here’s an article from Creative Loafing:
Here’s some more information about the property. I can provide more info as needed.
Please let me know if you might be interested in spreading the word about this cause to the Lake Claire Neighbors.
Thanks, Noah Glassman