Security Patrol

securityNeighbors, Lake Claire has an opportunity to form a joint security patrol with Candler Park. The number of subscriptions will determine the number of hours of coverage. The staff will consist of off duty Atlanta police officers. The subscription cost is estimated at an annual fee of $200 for a couple, $100 for an individual, and $150.00 for seniors (62+). Many of our close neighborhoods have functioning security patrols in place already.

Please fill out the form below to let us know if you might be interested in a security patrol for Lake Claire and Candler Park.   We are also looking for a few people who would be interested in working with Candler Park to get the Patrol set up.

We will need at least one person to represent Lake Claire on the CP/LC Security Patrol Board which is already at work. Please contact (Kathie Ryan) if you can help with this important project.


By filling out this form you are just indicating interest, you aren’t actually signing up for the patrol. Note, you’ll get a confirmation email after filling out this form. Be sure to confirm the email so that we collect your info, and add you to the list to recieve more about this in the future.

Security Patrol Interest Form

* indicates required

Interested in Joining? *

Interested in Organizing