Tonight! Come one, come all…Lake Claire Holiday Dinner!

Tonight’s the Night!  Come to the Lake Claire Holiday Gathering.  And don’t miss your chance to vote on the new banner! 

You are Invited!

Thursday, December 12th from 6:30 to 8:30pm

The Atrium at the Frazer Center

Vegetable & Meat Lasagna/Mac and Cheese for kids, lemonade, wine and dessert provided by the LCN.  All addresses: please bring a salad, side dish or bread with serving utensil

 Note: The Ridgewood gate will be closed to cars but open to pedestrians. Cars must enter and exit on South Ponce de Leon Avenue.

Note: December 12th is the second Thursday, not the customary third Thursday of the month.

Final Note: Voting for the new Lake Claire banner will take place for all residents, dining or not.

See you there!