Upcoming School Meetings to be aware of.

Hi Neighbors –
I wanted to make you aware of some upcoming meetings related to Atlanta Public Schools.
Thursday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m.
What:  CINS’ Annual Town Hall with the APS Superintendent
Where: Inman Middle School, 774 Virginia Avenue NE  Atlanta, GA 30306
Join CINS as we host our annual Town Hall with the APS Superintendent for the Grady Cluster of Schools community. Mr. Erroll B. Davis, Jr. will introduce some of the members of his team give a brief update on APS, and then participate in a question and answer session. To ensure that the issues of greatest importance in our cluster are addressed, CINS will submit questions in advance to the Superintendent. If you would like to include your questions, please submit them to cinsatlanta@gmail.com by October 15th. Questions will also be taken from the floor.
Tuesday, October 30th at 9:00 a.m.
What:  Inman Middle Task Force
Where: Inman Middle School, 774 Virginia Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30306 (auditorium)
The Inman Middle Task force is progressing, and a recent a decision was made to create either a 6th grade or 8th grade annex in order to alleviate overcrowding at Inman Middle School.  The task force is currently discussing the following questions:
– Should the Grady cluster’s new middle school facility house a 6th grade academy/annex or an 8th grade academy/annex?
– Where should the new annex be located?
The pros/cons of the 6th vs. 8th academy are being debated, and various site locations are being explored.  The Oct 30 task force meeting is a continuation of the dialogue on the annex’s format and location.  Parents and public are welcome to attend task force meetings as observers, but cannot participate or ask questions or make comments during meetings.
Wednesday, November 14th, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
What:  CINS Meeting:  Implementation of the Georgia Common Core Performance Standards & State Assessments
Where:   Mary Lin Elementary School, 586 Candler Park Drive, Atlanta GA 30307
Wednesday, November 14th , 8:30 a.m.
What:  “Town Hall” Meeting with John O’ Connor, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services & Vickie Cleveland, Executive Director for Special Education (sponsored by MES)
Where:  Morningside Elementary School, Media Center
This is a great opportunity forparents who are interested in Student Support Team, Early Intervention, IEPs, 504s and Student Placement for children in Special Education to come and not only learn, but to advocate for what your school needs.  Mr. O’Connor is working to create a more systemic means of tracking children and implementing research based programs to achieve academic improvement which is similar to what he did in Dekalb county, http://www.districtadministration.com/article/elevating-special-education.
You are invited to come and learn about the Office of Student Programs and Services which provides comprehensive, collaborative and coordinated services to students, staff, parents and communities. OSPS ensures that all efforts focus on student success and the goals central to APS’ strategic plan. Additionally, OSPS supports acquisition of the skills essential to academic achievement, career and educational decision-making, and personal/social development. These programs are fundamental to providing wrap-around services.

Furthermore, the Office of Student Programs and Services develops and coordinates early intervention strategies to ensure that curriculum, instruction and behavioral practices best meet the educational needs of all students; provides parenting education opportunities; enhances family-school partnerships; develops community outreach; and establishes partnerships with businesses and human services agencies.

Light refreshments will be served.  This event is open to all families in the Grady Cluster.  Please Rsvp to the Special Education Committee Chairs, Michelle Constantinides, michelle.constantinides@gmail.com or Kim Martin, kcmartin6@comcast.net.

The Office of the Student Programs and Services (OSPS) is composed of the following units:
Department of Special Education – Counseling Services – Nursing Services – Psychological Services – Parent Involvement Program – Social Work Services – Homeless Education – Truancy Intervention – Student Support Team – Student Placement – Student Tribunal and Alternative Placement – Student Records.