From Beth (editor@lakeclaire.org):

Due to work exigencies, our layout artist had to resign a few months ago, and I am still looking for a replacement. The postion does require some expertise and experience with layout, using a computer program; we use In-Design. It would be great if you have experience with it, but if not, if you have used PhotoShop for layout, there should be a fairly quick learning curve. The other requirement has to do with timing. The person must be available to work for 3-4 specific days, which usually are the 18th through 22nd of the month, and during that time we work together by e-mail on page placement and design. This is a firm requirement, so that we can stick to our production schedule and come out the first week of each month.
So, flexibility and availablity timing-wise during that 3rd week of the month, some experience with InDesign or Photoshop, and ability to work as a team under time pressure are the requiirements — once you’ve learned InDesign and done an issue, you could probably complete your part of each issue in about 10 hours a month–but concentrated in the one week. If you think this might work for you, please call me with your interest and/or questions. All that said, and though my part (i.e, writing and editing) takes 3-4 times that, it is FUN and a labor of love! I hope to find someone else who will find it exciting and rewarding to produce a great product for the neighborhood!!