Westside Ground Breaking – Atlanta Beltline – Nov 12

Subject: Westside Ground Breaking Invite

Good Afternoon,

Please help us spread the word about the groundbreaking for the Westside Trail on November 12 at 10:30am. WST Groundbreaking E-vite as well as a link to the Facebook event.

Mayor Kasim Reed, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership invite you to the groundbreaking of the Westside Trail. Join us for a celebration as we break ground on the next significant milestone for the Atlanta BeltLine: the Westside Trail. The ceremony will take place on the Westside Trail where it intersects Allene Avenue (between Catherine Street and the Urban Farm) in historic Adair Park.

TRANSIT: The ceremony site is accessible from the West End and Oakland City MARTA stations on the red / gold lines. From the West End station, take the 95 bus down Metropolitan. From the Oakland City station, take the 193 bus to Sylvan Road.

BIKING/WALKING: Biking and walking to the ceremony is encouraged and is an opportunity to use the interim hiking trail before it goes into construction. Riding a bike in the corridor requires a suitable all-terrain bike.

PARKING: On-street parking is available on Allene Avenue, Catherine Street, and Lexington Avenue. For navigation purposes, enter 1076 Allene Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.

Paulita Bennett-Martin
Community Engagement and Planning Fellow
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Office:404.477.3549 // Fax:404.477.3606
PBennett-Martin@atlbeltline.org // beltline.org