Feb Minutes

Minutes-Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Feb 16, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom The meeting began at 7:15 with 31 members and 1 guest attending Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department)     Patrick Hudson,Representative for Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari LCN officers attending and reports: Carol […]

Upcoming Events at the Land Trust

Check out what’s happening with our neighbors at the Land Trust!  For more info visit https://www.lcclt.org/new-events 3/18 – Community Work Day, 1-4pm 3/19 – Kids Sensory Yoga, 11am-12pm 3/25 – Spring Sound Bath, 11am-12:30pm 3/26 – Literary and Cornbread-Chili Society, 3-5pm 3/26 – Kids Creative Class, 4-6pm 3/28 – Walking […]

Lake Claire Neighbors – Meeting agenda for Thursday

View the mailing here: https://mailchi.mp/bda33d4785f0/lcn-monthly-meeting-8119481 Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Mar 16, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom Join the Lake Claire Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83264460705?pwd=Z09zeTlDTWNCbVFsRVljYXhhblMyUT09 Zoom from a landline or cell phone: 1 312 626-6799 or  1 646 931-3860 Enter ID: 832 6446 0705 When Prompted to Enter Participant ID: Just […]

LCN Meeting Agenda and Zoom info

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Feb. 16, 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom 1. Join the Lake Claire Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85435727572?pwd=Y3JESXFJeVo1UFUyQ0Z1bXdKTTU4dz09 2. Zoom from a land line or cell phone: a. 1 309 205-3325 or 1 312 626-6799 b. Enter ID: 854 3572 7572 c. When Prompted to Enter Participant […]

ATL Zoning 2.0

“ATL Zoning 2.0” is the City of Atlanta’s multi-year rewrite of its 40-year-old Zoning Ordinance that no longer meets Atlanta’s present and future needs.  Join this important conversation on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. inside the Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs (or R.I.C.E.) in Southwest Atlanta or virtually on Zoom. This is a […]

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Jan. 19 2023

Lake Claire Neighbors Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Jan. 19 2023 7:15 PM via Zoom   Join the Lake Claire Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89121592404?pwd=SlFwWElJWkpJWGR0LzR2NWdybC9Rdz09 Zoom from a land line or cell phone: 1 301 715-8592 or 1 305 224-1968 Enter ID: 891 2159 2404 When Prompted to Enter Participant ID: Just enter #, […]

Upcoming Events! December in Lake Claire…

Upcoming Events! Reminder – the annual Lake Claire Holiday Arts Fair, a myriad of artists, crafters, and bakers, will be held again on porches throughout the ‘hood, on Saturday, December 3, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Starts 1/2 hour earlier than previously)  Raindate is the next day, December 4.  Come […]

Minutes from Oct LCN

Minutes-Lake Claire Neighbors                           Monthly Meeting: Thurs. Oct 20, 2022                                          7:15 PM via Zoom The meeting began at 7:15 with 5members and 1 guests attending   Guest speakers (Representatives of the City Council, and Atlanta Police Department) Nic Cannon, Representative for Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari   LCN officers attending and reports: […]

Frazer Fall Festival 2022

Frazer Fall Festival Inclusive & sensory fall fest play for infants to preschoolers hosted by the Frazer Center Parent Teacher Action CommitteeSunday, November 6, 2022 2:00–5:00 p.m. Cator Woolford Gardens 1815 S. Ponce de Leon Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30307Adults: $20 / Children: FREE This uniquely fun fall fest features […]