Upcoming APS demographic meetings

From the Lake Claire Parents board: Hello everyone – I wanted to remind you of the next round of demographic meetings.  While the upcoming Clarion will have the information, it will not be on doorsteps until most of the opportunities to attend a meeting have passed.  As a result, please […]

Mark Your Calendars: Next APS Demographics Mtg!

Lake Claire-ians, please mark your calendars for 1/30 for the next meeting on the continuing school redistricting saga.  It’s important that we have people at these meetings showing our support for the direction best for our schools!  It really does make a difference. From 30307Schools.org: MONDAY, Jan. 30, @ MJackson […]

Please attend today’s APS Board Meeting

Lake Claire needs to present a united from with Candler Park and Inman Park at today’s APS Board meeting.  Please attend if you can.  Even if you don’t have kids, everyone in the neighborhood has a vested interested in keeping Mary Lin together, and keeping Mary Lin in the Inman/Grady […]

City Council Redistricting Update

There was some concern yesterday about proposed redistricting options (http://citycouncil.atlantaga.gov/REDISTRICTING.htm)  for our City Council representation, and just to give an update, it looks like good news.  No real changes. From 30307schools.org: Grady High School was moved into another district briefly but has been returned to City Council District 6, where […]

Lake Claire’s Position on Redistricting Proposals

Open Letter from Lake Claire Neighbors to the Lake Claire community, the Local School Councils representing Mary Lin Elementary, Inman Middle, and Grady High schools, the Atlanta Public Schools, our elected representatives on the Atlanta Board of Education, and our elected representative on the Atlanta City Council To our community: On […]

Lake Claire Halloween Parade This Saturday, October 29!

The annual Lake Claire Halloween Parade is scheduled for this Saturday, October 29. Bring your little pirates, princesses, superheroes, monsters, witches, and more to the intersection of Ridgewood and Marlbrook at 5:00! After the parade, there will be snacks in the park. The Lake Claire Parents Group is looking for a few more volunteers to bring snacks to […]