Safer McLendon update

Lake Claire friends!

The Lake Claire Neighbors meeting last month left some of our neighbors with more questions than votes. We have a revote coming up, so we wanted to share a few things for our Lake Claire neighbors on this list to help with the June 15 meeting.

If you live in Lake Claire, please attend the meeting to vote! If you don’t, but know someone who does, please encourage them to show up (Zoom).

In response to a number of questions that have arisen, the Safer McLendon team developed a Booklet that contains additional details including background on the effort and safety improvement strategies. We are excited to share this information and expect that it will answer any pending questions.

Please review the information in advance of the Lake Claire neighborhood meeting on Thursday, June 15 at 7:15p where a vote will be held for the community to endorse the Improvement Framework. (Candler Park Neighborhood Organization has already voted in support of the Framework.)

Download the Safer McLendon Booklet

Page 9 of the booklet includes the Improvement Framework.

Some additional items to note:

  1. The Safer McLendon project started in Fall 2021 and the team includes representatives from Candler Park and Lake Claire, as well as design professionals from Lord Aeck Sargent.

  2. The design addresses both problems and solutions that were identified by the community.

  3. Input was gathered during public workshops (Sept 2022, Jan 2023) and through an online survey for those unable to attend in person. (Lake Claire represented 44.7% of online survey respondents.)

  4. A yes vote is an endorsement of the Improvement Framework.  It expresses additional support by the community to help progress the safety improvements to the next steps with feasibility studies, obtaining funding, government prioritization, design work, etc.

We look forward to the residents in the Lake Claire community attending the next neighborhood meeting to support the Improvement Framework.