April LCN Meeting: Variance for 492 Harold Ave

Lake Claire Neighbors (LCN) will meet using Zoom for the month of April. This meeting will occur on the regularly scheduled meeting date of April 16 at 7:15pm.

The only agenda item will be Variance V-20-034, 492 Harold Ave NE. The applicant is seeking a variance from the zoning regulations to 1) Reduce the required half-depth front yard setback from 17.5-feet to 8-feet 6-inches.  The Variance Request package and the proposed building plans are posted on the LCN website and can be accessed here: V-20-034_492 Harold Ave.

An invitation to the Zoom Meeting will be provided via email prior to the meeting time via the LakeClaire distribution list. If you are not on the email distribution list and you need dial-in information, please send an email to comm@lakeclaire.org.

Access will be provided so that individuals with a computer with camera & audio, a tablet, a smartphone, or a land-line phone will be able to access and participate in the meeting. We will open the meeting 30 minutes early (at 6:45pm) to assist people who have never used Zoom before.

We appreciate your working with us as we do our best to manage within the extraordinary conditions of the Coronavirus pandemic. We know that together we can make it work.

Additional details will be provided later as we work out the logistics of meeting and voting. If you have questions, please contact Beth Grashof at zoning@lakeclaire.org.

Variance Package for 492 Harold Ave:

V-20-034_492 Harold Ave