The following zoning variance/special exception request will be heard and voted on at a special meeting of the Lake Claire Neighbors, Monday, December 16, 2024, at 7:15 pm. This meeting will be via Zoom only. Zoom link below.

SCOPE OF WORK: Renovations and second floor addition to an existing single-family residence.

The applicant seeks a variance from the zoning ordinance to 1) reduce front yard from the required 35-feet to 14.8 feet, and 2) seeks a special exception from the zoning ordinance to allow for a parking bay in the required front yard.

This request may be viewed at https://lakeclaire.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/V-24-222._1776-Marlbrook.pdf

ZOOM information:

  1. Weblink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85440383867?pwd=qwdrTWC29BcKpVjnq7aZqvUKpUjvGV.1
  2. From a Landline or Cell Phone:
    1. Enter ID: 854 4038 3867When Prompted to enter participant ID: Just Enter #
    1. Enter Meeting Passcode: 166435
  3. One Touch Mobile:
    1. +13052241968,,85440383867#,,,,*166435# US
    1. +13092053325,,85440383867#,,,,*166435# US
  4. Contact Carol Holliday at 404 316-1189 if you have difficulty accessing the meeting.